Pattern of ocular morbidities during COVID-19 pandemic in a tertiary eye care centre in central India

Authors : Tejaswiny Saxena, Sooraj Kubrey, Aditi Dubey, Manisha Singh, Vivek Som, Kavita Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2022.098

Volume : 8

Issue : 4

Year : 2022

Page No : 487-491

Purpose: The study was conducted to observe the pattern of ocular morbidities in patients attending the ophthalmology department during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methodology : A prospective observational study was conducted in a tertiary eye care centre in Central India from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020, among a total of 982 patients with ocular manifestations who attended the outpatient department or emergency department. A detailed history was taken and a complete anterior and posterior segment examination was done. The standard investigation and treatment protocol of the institution was followed in all cases.
Result: A total of 982 patients were enrolled in our study with a mean age of 36.42±18.05 years. Male preponderance was noted with an M: F ratio of 2.43. A wide spectrum of ocular manifestations during COVID-19 was observed. The anterior segment was involved in 85.1% and the posterior segment was involved in 14.9% and most common ocular manifestations affecting the anterior segment were noted as computer vision syndrome observed in 18.1% cases, followed by cataracts in 11.4% cases.
Conclusion: Various programs should be implemented to help in reducing the load of visual disability and blindness in the community which is increased after the COVID outbreak. With changing trends in geographical and socio-economical patterns of diseases, similar kinds of a pandemic may occur in the future. There should be formation of flexible government strategies for changing dynamics that can be timely implemented in the future for better management of curable/avoidable diseases.

Keywords: Pandemic, Ophthalmic manifestations, Computer vision syndrome, COVID- 19.

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