Fusion in deciduous mandibular anterior teeth- A report of two rare cases

Authors : Amina Sultan, Amina Sultan, Akanksha Juneja, Akanksha Juneja, Melvin Augustine, Melvin Augustine

DOI : 10.18231/2395-499X.2018.0040

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 180-183

Dental anomalies such as fusion, germination, double teeth are frequently encountered during routine dental examination often leading to crowding or abnormal spacing in dental arches or increased susceptibility to dental caries and aesthetic problems in pediatric dental patients. Tooth fusion is illustrated when there is the union between dentin and / or enamel of two or more separate developing teeth. Since the fused tooth may pose a wide spectrum of dental problems hence managing such cases requires thorough knowledge and technical skills of dental practitioners. Most of the clinicians advocate minimal intervention technique and preventive approach along with a regular and a long term follow up for the management of fused teeth

Keywords: Fusion, Gemination, Double tooth, Dental anomaly, Mandibular incisors, Dentition.

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