Girendra Kumar Gautam

Designation : Director

Affiliation : Shri Ram College of Pharmacy, Muzaffarnagar

Profile ID : RP-000-1265

Date : 2023-01-17

Articles List : 10

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Dr. Girendra Kumar Gautam, M.Pharm, PhD, FPLS, FPES Director, Shri Ram College of Pharmacy, Muzaffarnagar, India Founder Secretary, Pharmaceutical Educational Society (pesots) serving as a Professor in the area of Academics and Research in Public Sector for welfare of society with more than 15 year experience. He has been awarded 14 times by different bodies. He is a BOS meber of 2 University. He has 18 Indian and 15 International patent. He is having six international visit of Nepal, Singapore, Malaysia and United Arab Emirate and Author of 145 Paper and 16 Books published in reputed journals also is a member of different national and international working groups

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