Outcome of management of severe acute malnutrition at nutrition rehabilitation centre and follow up

Authors : Suguna S.

DOI : 10.18231/2581-4702.2018.0022

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 104-109

 Objective: To know the sustained weight gain of severe acute malnutrition children during in patient care and during follow-up visits at nutrition rehabilitation centre and to assess the overall performance of Nutrition rehabilitation centre.
Material and Methods: 
Setting: Nutrition rehabilitation
centre, District hospital, chamarajanagar attached to chamarajanagar institute of medical sciences, chamarajanagar
Design: This is a retrospective study involving the review of existing programme records.
Population: Those children who are admitted to NRC, district hospital
chamarajanagar, Karnataka, India, between January 2017 to January 2018 with severe acute malnutrition.
The programme included 2 weeks of in-patient care, and four follow-up visits to the NRC subsequently 
as follows ; 1st visit at 7 days, 2nd at 14 days, 3rd at 1 month and 4th at 2 months after discharge.
Result: Among total 61 admissions between January 2017 and January 2018, 57 children completed 14 days treatment (93.44%). 4 children were discharged against medical advice and could not complete 14 days treatment and were taken as defaulters (6.55%). 57.8% children reached <-2SD and 21.06% children reached <-1SD at the time of discharge. Those children who could achieve <-1SD during entire programme including follow up were 32(56%) among 57 admissions.
Conclusion:Satisfactory weight gain could not be achieved as per national programme requirement either during inpatient care or during follow up visits. There was sustained weight gain with cure of associated illnesses during NRC care satisfying discharge criteria. The follow up visits to NRC after discharge was satisfactory (>93%) till the target weight gain of <-1SD is achieved.

Keywords: Severe acute malnutrition (SAM), NRC (Nutrition rehabilitation centre), Anthropometric measurements, RBSK (Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram) 



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