Analysis of real-time multi channel microelectrode recordings of rats: A study with computational simulation

Authors : V Rama Raju, V Rama Raju

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijn.2022.026

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 125-129

This study discuss the analysis of a real-time multi channel microelectrode recordings of rats with computational simulation and mathematical statistical modeling’s. If the impedance-of every site of neuro-sensor, i.e., electrode is fairly at a low level as well as the gap between sensor-sites is applicably very very minute, a spike-generated and also computed by a neuron is asynchronously/concurrently gathered at multi neuro-sensor/electrode locations in conjunction with distinct stimulus-intensities, i.e., amplitudes (stremgth of the signals).

Keywords: Burst-spike-detection, Collision-test, Elastic-template, Hierarchical-clustering, Multi channel recording

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