Multiple impacted teeth in a non syndromic patient: A case report and discussion

Authors : Abhishek Singh, Abhishek Singh, Vikash Jha, Vikash Jha, Neha Jha, Neha Jha, Poonam Majumder Singh, Poonam Majumder Singh

DOI : 10.18231/2278-3784.2018.0017

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 68-69

It is commonly observed that multiple impacted permanent teeth are usually linked to syndromes, hormonal and metabolic disorders. Nevertheless some cases of impaction of multiple teeth are non syndromic. In the present case report, we confer about a 22-year-old female non syndromic patient with missing teeth. Radiological investigation from OPG revealed multiple impacted permanent teeth, though medical and family history along with physical examination was not suggestive of any syndromes.

Keywords: Multiple impaction, Non syndromic patient

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