Serum ionized calcium and magnesium in normal and hypothyroid females: A comparative study

Authors : Neha Uppal, Neha Uppal, Anju Sharma, Anju Sharma, Sahiba Kukreja, Sahiba Kukreja

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcbr.2019.047

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 213-216

Introduction: Thyroid disorders exhibit widespread effects on mineral and lipid metabolism. Free or ionized calcium is biologically active but not routinely measured. Previous studies carried out on serum calcium in thyroid disorders reveal conflicting results.
Materials and Methods: The present study conducted in the department of Biochemistry, Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Sri Amritsar, consisted of two groups – group 1 (healthy females) and group 2 (newly diagnosed hypothyroid females). Estimation of serum Thyroid stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels were done by 3rd generation assay, FT4 and FT3 were estimated by Enhanced Chemiluminesence using vitros ECi by Orthoclinical Diagnostics. Serum Magnesium was estimated by calmagite method, Serum calcium by Cresolphthalein complexone method and serum total protein was estimated by biuret method, end point. Serum ionized calcium and magnesium was estimated using formulas.
Results: In our study the decrease in serum total calcium was insignificant whereas serum ionized calcium depicted a significant difference in two groups. Serum total and ionized magnesium both showed a significant difference in two groups. 
Conclusion: Despite the measurement of free calcium being a better indicator of calcium homeostasis as compared to total calcium, it has not replaced the latter and should be routinely estimated. 

Keywords: Total calcium, Ionized calcium, Ionized magnesium, Minerals, Hypothyroidism.

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