Histomorphological spectrum of neoplastic and non-neoplastic breast lesions –A two year study in a teaching hospital of North India

Authors : Honey Bhasker Sharma, Honey Bhasker Sharma, Megha Bansal, Megha Bansal, Nikhilesh Kumar, Nikhilesh Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/2456-9267.2018.0037

Volume : 3

Issue : 4

Year : 0

Page No : 181-184

Introduction: Lump in the breast is commonly encountered in the surgical clinics. Timely and accurate diagnosis of a breast lump can, not only prevent anxiety but also early intervention can be life saving. In India, breast cancer form the second most common malignancy after cervical cancer.
Objective: A retrospective study of 2 years duration was undertaken to determine the histopathological spectrum of breast lesions including both benign and malignant lesions.
Materials and Methods: The study was undertaken to know the histological spectrum of breast diseases of TSM medical college and hospital from 20 September 2016 to 20 September 2018. A total of 114 breast tissues sent for histopathology were studied.
Result: Out of 114 cases, benign lesions constituted 86% (98 cases) and malignant lesions constituted 14% (16 cases). The commonest benign lesion was Fibroadenoma (51% of all benign lesions) and the commonest malignant lesion was Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma (62% of all malignant lesions). Few uncommon lesions like Adenomyoepithelioma, flat duct aypia, atypical ductal hyperplasia and papillary carcinoma were detected.
Conclusion: Benign breast diseases are the commonest breast diseases in which fbroadenoma is the most common variety. Invasive Ductal carcinoma is the most common histological type of malignant tumor.

Keywords: Breast, Lump, Histological, Spectrum, Benign, Malignant, Ductal carcinoma, Fibroadenoma.

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