Study of awareness and knowledge of mothers of under five children regarding immunization, feeding practices and health seeking behavior in Central India

Authors : Badrinarayan Mishra, Badrinarayan Mishra, Sajjan Gupta, Sajjan Gupta, S C. Mohapatra, S C. Mohapatra

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2738.2018.0043

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 0

Page No : 209-214

Introduction: The role of the mother is pivotal for good health of an under 5yr child. In developing countries the gap in their knowledge and consequently the ability to initiate health promoting activities remains as a chronic challenge.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was carried with 400 participants (mothers with at least one under five child) of which 200 were from rural and 200 from urban locations between 2012- 2013.
Result: Most mothers preferred feeding colostrums to the child (90% in rural and 100% in urban) and kept their child away from prelacteals (75% rural and 94.5% urban). Advantages of exclusive breastfeeding were known to 74.5% rural and 94.5% urban mothers, but mothers were grossly negligent about duration per feed (15-20 minutes); only 11.5% urban and 6.5% rural mothers were aware of this. Acknowledgment of the signs of good attachment of the child to breast was significantly positive in urban mothers (p?0.001). Urban mothers were well informed about burping as an important component of breast feeding (p?0.001). High percentage of mothers practiced breast feeding during child’s illness (83% rural and 97% in urban areas). Anganwadi workers were the main informants about vaccines and vaccination related activities (p?0.001). Knowledge of optional immunization was higher in urban participants (76.5% Vs 30%). Lack of money and distance from health facility in rural areas and mother’s perception about severity of disease in urban areas were influential factors for seeking child health care (p?0.001).
Conclusion: We observed better knowledge, attitude and practices in urban mothers about breast feeding and immunization. Financial constraint and distance of health care delivering centers were significant deterrent in seeking health for rural community.

Keywords: Immunization, Feeding practices, Health Seeking Behavior, Under 5 child.

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