Environmental fate of insecticides on the biological matrices as a function of temperature: A pilot study

Authors : Poulomi Saha, Shailendra Sharma, Suryansh Shukla, P. Sharma

DOI : 10.18231/2456-9615.2018.0019

Volume : 3

Issue : 4

Year : 0

Page No : 80-84

Toxicology division of Forensic Science Labs (FSLs) frequently receives samples containing insecticides. Due to pendency of medico legal cases, biological samples are often stored for some time i.e from the time of collection until analysis. The role of temperature and putrefaction that may inevitably interfere with analysis results which is often ignored in such cases. In the present study, an attempt has been made to produce evidences by differentiating Thin Layer Chromatographic (TLC) results of the insecticides- Carbofuran and Carbaryl (1-naphthyl methylcarbamate) as a direct consequence of changes in the preservation methods of samples. Research must be extensively done taking into consideration of the factors like temperature, humidity, duration of time etc. so as to support studies on better preservation methodologies of Forensic samples.

Keywords: Insecticides, Carbofuran, Carbaryl, Toxicology, Temperature, Putrefaction, Chromatography

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