Physical physiological and biochemical changes during pregnancy

Authors : Preeti Sharma, Preeti Sharma, Anu Singh, Anu Singh, T K Mahopatra, T K Mahopatra, Pradeep Kumar, Pradeep Kumar, Shailaza Shrestha, Shailaza Shrestha

DOI : 10.18231/2455-1732.2018.0014

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 58-62

Pregnancy is associated various physiological changes in order to ensure care, support and protection of the developing embryo and also prepare mother for labour and delivery. These changes influence all physical, physiological, biochemical and immunological status of the mother. Normal physiological changes that are observed include missed period, nausea, fatigue, motion sickness, mood swings, bloating, and tenderness in breast while biochemical and immunological changes include change in levels of blood levels of certain parameters like urea, creatinine, human chorionic gonadotropin, localisation of immune-modulators in uterus etc. This review highlights the important changes taking place during normal pregnancy so that it may aid in educating the expectant mothers regarding such changes facilitate them to cope up with proper health care.

Keywords: Pregnancy, Trimester, Foetus, Biochemical, Physiological, Physical, Immunity.

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