Study of gender determination in living adult male and female subjects by evaluating the size of sternum about north Indian population

Authors : S V Sharma, Virendra Atam, Navneet Kumar, Nilesh Sharma, Isha Atam

DOI : 10.18231/2581-5229.2018.0031

Volume : 4

Issue : 4

Year : 0

Page No : 118-122

Introduction: The gender determination from the skeletal remains is of very much interest in the field of medical science. Ashley GT -1956b formulated the 149 rule according to which a male sternum exceeded 149mm in length whereas the female sternum was less than 149mm. on the basis of previous researcher I have been planned to verify the external data and establish them in reference to population in and around Lucknow. With the help of this study we were distinguishes the male and female sternum bone in north zone of India as well as Uttar Pradesh.
Materials and Methods: The above mentioned measurements have been further use to calculate various sternal dimensions and indices according to the technique described by Ashley. Each linear measurement has been taken thrice on the anatomical position of the sternum using Mitutoyo-digital vernier calipers to the nearest millimeter with precision of 0.01 mm.
Discussion: This study was fully supported the previous researchers, who has done the work in morphometry of sternum bone in cadaver and skeletal of human, because they told that the sterna has distinguish in different zone of India, as well as it is shorter than European country.
Conclusion: The comparison of mean length of manubrium, mesosternum and sternum ranged from 40.39-71.31 mm, 83.49-129.97 mm and 150.21-170.39 mm respectively in adult male (16-60yrs) where as in adult female ranged from 23.79-60.35 mm, 68.33-122.42 mm and 116.36-148.92 mm respectively.

Keywords: Sternum bone, Gender determination, Length of manubrium, Length of mesostenum.

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