Role of USG guided FNAC in intra-abdominal masses-A study at tertiary care hospital Bhopal

Authors : Nipun Madhav, Farah J Meenai

DOI : 10.18231/2456-9267.2019.0003

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 19-25

Introduction: Ultrasound Guided Fine Needle Aspiration is a safe, and reliable procedure for the accurate diagnosis of intra-abdominal mass lesions.
Materials and Methods: This study was based in a tertiary care centre and was a prospective type of study including all the patients with abdominal mass. Mass lesions were subjected for FNAC under ultrasound guidance from June 2016 to December 2017.164 cases were included in which FNAC was done for intra abdominal mass lesions under ultrasound guidance. Wet smears were prepared for Leishmann, PAP stain and air dried smears were prepared for May Grunwald Giemsa stain. The lesions were further studied and divided into Inflammatory, Benign, Malignant, Hemorrhagic and Unsatisfactory for interpretation categories.
Results: A total of 164 cases were included in the present study which FNA was done for intra-abdominal mass lesions under ultrasound guidance. In the present study, predominance was observed with a male to female ratio of 1.05:1. Majority of cases were present in the age group ranging from 30-60 years.158 cases were studied out of which Liver lesions constituted 87(55.06%) cases. There were total 118 malignant (71.93%) cases, 37 (22.56%) inflammatory cases, 3(1.89%) benign cases and 6(3.65%) cases were unsatisfactory and were excluded from the study.
Conclusion: It was observed that the incidence of malignant lesions in liver were more common than the benign lesions. Among benign, the most common lesion noted was reactive changes. Adenocarcinoma was the most common metastatic tumor in our study. While among the primary tumors, HCC was the most common. US guided FNAC was less time consuming, safe, useful, and accurate technique for making diagnoses of hepatic lesions.

Keywords: Ultrasound, Intra-abdominal, mass, Lesions, FNA.

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