Tubercular compound palmar ganglion – A review

Authors : Javed Ahmad, Javed Ahmad, Vivek Kumar Shrivastava, Vivek Kumar Shrivastava, Manish Khanna, Manish Khanna, Ahmad Ayaz, Ahmad Ayaz

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijor.2019.006

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 22-25

Tuberculous tenosynovitis is a chronic and rare infection of flexor tendon sheath of forearm, mainly around the wrist. Patients presents with swelling and pain, and sometime also with neurological symptoms when median nerve get involved. Patient evaluated clinically for the diagnosis, but the MRI is the gold standard tool for the diagnosis. Histopathological evaluation is also needed to confirm the diagnosis. Management is mainly surgical followed by full course of anti tubercular therapy. A delay in the management may leads to complications due to asymptomatic swelling.

Keywords: Wrist swelling, Compound palmar ganglion, Tubercular tenosynovitis, Melon seeds, Median nerve.

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