Comparative evaluation of recovery after desflurane or sevoflurane anaesthesia

Authors : Richa Gupta, Mittal Patel, Harsha Patel

DOI : 10.18231/2394-4994.2019.0022

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 118-121

Introduction and Aims: Early recovery is seen while using sevoflurane and desflurane for anaesthesia as inhalation agents. Main aim of the study was to compare and analyze desflurane and sevoflurane inhalation agents in terms of emergence from anaesthesia and recovery of cognitive functions using short Orientation-Memory-Concentration Test (SOMCT) and digital symbol substitution test (DSST) in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgeries.
Materials and Methods: A prospective randomized controlled study was conducted over 60 ASA I-III patients posted for laparoscopic surgeries. The day when patient was posted for surgery, SOMCT and DSST were done and baseline score was noted. Patients were pre-medicated and induced and were maintained on inhalation agents according to the group allocated. Inhalation agent was stopped after the surgery was completed and reversal agent for neuromuscular agent was being given. Total anaesthetic time, Time to extubaton, Time to eye-opening, Time to follow verbal commands, Time to achieve aldrete score 9 were noted. Then, patient was asked to perform SOMCT and DSST. Time required to reach the baseline level was compared.
Results: The mean time to extubation was comparable in both groups. The mean time to follow verbal command after stopping study drug was statistically significantly less in desflurane group D (p <0>
Conclusion: Desflurane when compared with sevoflurane during laparoscopic surgery produces faster emergence from anaesthesia but time to achieve baseline cognitive function is similar in both.

Keywords: DSST, SOMCT, Sevoflurane, Desflurane.

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