Effect of single-dose magnesium sulfate on total postoperative analgesic requirement in patients receiving balanced general anesthesia- A prospective, randomized, placebo controlled study

Authors : Vinod Kumar Verma, Arvin Kumar, Chandrakant Prasad, Mumtaz Hussain

DOI : 10.18231/2394-4994.2019.0028

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 148-151

Aim: The aim of this study was to see the effect Single-Dose Magnesium Sulfate on total Postoperative analgesic requirement in patients receiving balanced general anesthesia.
Materials and Methods: 100 ASA status I & II patients of age >20 years & < 60 n=50)> & Group P (n=50) – patients were given 100 ml NS infused over 10 minutes as placebo just prior to induction. Balanced general anaesthesia was given as per preset protocol and intraoperative vitals were recorded at regular intervals. In PACU after complete recovery from anaesthesia NRS score was noted. Tramadol was given when NRS > 4. Total tramadol consumtion over 24 hours after surgery was calculated for each group.
Results: In group P post-operativly NRS score was significantly higher in at 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours. Consumption of tramadol was significantly more in group P.
Conclusion: Ten minutes before induction of balanced general anaesthesia 50 Mg/Kg magnesium sulphate mixed in 100 ml of normal saline given to alley post-operative pain and significantly reduces post-operative analgesic consumption after open abdominal surgeries.

Keywords: Magnesium sulfate, Post-operative analgesia, Placebo, Balanced general anesthesia.

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