Study on long term effects and complications of 5-fluorouracil in trabeculectomy

Authors : Manjunath D Patil, Jayaramulu H Sankaram

DOI : 10.18231/2395-1451.2019.0022

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 95-101

Introduction: Various survey’s reveal that 1-2% of the population over the age of 40 years have glaucoma and its incidence increases with age. It is the third most common cause of blindness next to the cataract and refractive errors. The present study was undertaken to assess long term effects on controlling intraocular tension by trabeculectomy with and without intraoperative use of 5 – fluorouracil.
Materials and Methods: The present study was undertaken in the Department of opthalmology, ARMCH & RC, Kumbhari. In the present study, 50 cases were operated for trabeculectomy by using following two methods – with and without use of 5 – Fluorouracil. Informed written consent under guarded visual prognosis was obtained from all patients.
Results: Highest number of patients 17 (34%) were in the age group of 51-60 years, thus confirming that the glaucoma is more common in 6th decade. Intraoperative use of 5 – fluorouracil has resulted in stable control of intraocular tension over prolonged period of time while in trabeculectomy without 5 – Fluorouracil there was gradual loss of control of intraocular tension over prolonged period of time.
Conclusion: Intraoperative use of 5 – fluorouracil in trabeculectomy is useful an alternative to maintain the intraocular tension in lower teens over prolonged period of time by modifying the conjunctival bleb morphology, without causing any serious corneal complications.

Keywords: 5-Fluorouracil, Glaucoma, Intraocular tension, Trabeculectomy.

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