Ribbond reinforced composite bridge: a case report

Authors : Arman Thaman, Ramya Raghu, Ashish Shetty, Gautham P. M

DOI : 10.18231/2456-8953.2019.0005

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 27-29

Various options are presently available to address the challenge of immediately replacing a missing anterior tooth. These include a removable /fixed temporary/ permanent acrylic prosthesis, or resin-bonded bridges. Ribbond single-visit bridges provide strength, durability, and immediate convenience. They are cost effective and reliable and are excellent for emergencies like: implant temporization, congenitally missing teeth and patients who cannot afford conventional lab fabricated bridgework. In place of the pontic, a natural tooth, denture tooth can be used or composite build-up can be done.
Conclusions: The procedure was completed at the chair side, thereby avoiding additional laboratory costs. Creating an adhesive FRC bridge by using a composite resin pontic is a successful treatment option for the direct aesthetic replacement of missing anterior teeth.

Keywords: Ribbond, Fiber reinforced.

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