TMJ arthrography

Authors : Karthik Yadav D, Karthik Yadav D, R Shesha Prasad, R Shesha Prasad, Sindhe J Raghunand, Sindhe J Raghunand, Saleem Mohammed, Saleem Mohammed, Pai Anuradha, Pai Anuradha

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmi.2019.001

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 1-2

Imaging has contributed in diagnosis as well as to understand the temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint may be caused either by the osseous components or the soft tissue components of the joint and sometimes, both. The most commonly followed arthrographic techniques are either single contrast or the double contrast arthrography. They are useful in delineating the articular space, detection of perforations in articular disc and other internal derangements. Arthrography is a well-known procedure being tagged as the "gold standard" in the detection of internal derangements of the TMJ, even though advanced imaging modalities like MRI have been made available.

Keywords: TMJ, Diagnosis.

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