Osseous choristoma: Report of two cases in oral cavity

Authors : Vaishali J Pol, Pradipta R Patil, Jaydeep N Pol

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2022.066

Volume : 9

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 279-281

Osseous choristoma is the formation of normal mature bone at an abnormal position. These are rare benign tumor-like growth usually asymptomatic except growth or swelling as the clinical presentation. In oral cavity, osseous choristoma is rare and commonly found in posterior third of the tongue. Clinically it is misdiagnosed as malignancy because of its hardness. Clinically, it is also mistaken for other oral cavity lesions, especially those of minor salivary gland lesions of oral cavity. Hence, awareness amongst clinicians, general practitioners and oral pathologists about oral osseous choristomas is necessary. Here, we report two cases of osseous choristoma in the oral cavity located at sites other than tongue.

Keywords: Osseous, Choriostoma, Oral, Ectopic.

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