Clinicopathological evaluation of gallbladder carcinoma with special emphasis on incidentally detected cases- A hospital based study

Authors : Utpal Dutta, Projnan Saikia, Gayatri Gogoi, Mondita Borgohain

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2019.057

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 309-314

Introduction & Objectives: The gallbladder carcinoma is highly aggressive tumour and is the sixth among GI tract–related organs. Its incidence is much higher in North and North-Eastern population as compared to South India. As they mimics’ gallstone diseases, it is likely to find gallbladder carcinomas incidentally during surgery for cholecystitis or other benign lesions. Objective of our study is to find out the percentage of incidental gallbladder carcinoma and to analyze the gallbladder carcinoma cases.
Materials and Methods: The present study was undertaken at a tertiary care hospital in Dibrugarh, over a period of one year. We had given utmost importance on the grossing of the gallbladder specimens as we were emphasizing on incidentally detected gallbladder carcinoma cases.
Results: Among 302 cholecystectomy specimens, 29 cases of primary gallbladder carcinoma were detected, out of which 8 were incidental (2.65%). Association with gall stones were found in 26 cases (89.7%).
Interpretation & Conclusion: Discarding the gallbladder specimens without histopathological analysis should best be avoided. Selective approach for sending these specimens to the laboratory may result in missing discrete pathologies.

Keywords: Gallbladder carcinoma, Gallstone disease, GI malignancy, Incidental GBC, North-East.

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