Management of anti-tuberculosis drug induced xerostomia in completely edentulous patient-A case report

Authors : Shubham Sharma, Ritty Jeba Edward, Anup Gopi, Parag Dua, Saurav Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2024.011

Volume : 10

Issue : 1

Year : 2024

Page No : 63-66

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the major systemic conditions which is a preventable and curable infection but remains a significant cause of death and reduced quality of life of patients.Weight loss, tiredness and loss of appetite are common symptoms that are even more aggravated in geriatric patients affecting the quality of life of the patient.Edentulism, hyposalivation and dryness of the mouth further contribute to the discomfort in patients wearing dentures that leads to the weight reduction, indigestion and loss of appetite in such patients. Compromised esthetics and speech of the patient just multiply the social trauma and isolation the patient is already facing due to TB.This paper describes a novel method of managing a patient with active TB on Anti Tuberculosis therapy (ATT) reporting symptoms of xerostomia.Completely Edentulous Maxillary and Mandibular Residual Alveolar Ridges: PDI Class II with associated ATT-induced Xerostomia.Split denture with a salivary reservoir in the mandibular denture.Improved aesthetics & speech, improved mastication and reduced weight loss due to denture wearing.Split dentures with artificial saliva can increase the patient's comfort in wearing dentures which overturns the impact of infection significantly and leads to increased quality of life in edentulous patients on ATT.

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