To study the impact of lifestyle over menstrual pattern in medical students

Authors : Sangeeta S Desai, Vasudha D Sawant, Payal Gohil, Manjiri Desai

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2019.037

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 159-164

Introduction: Stress is an integral part of medical profession. Sedentary lifestyle has a great impact over many health problems. Reproductive health is one of the contributing factor to overall female health. Reproductive health problems have significant role in woman’s total life. These problems also increases stress further & have major effect over psychosocial health. All are intermingled with each other. The purpose of the study is to see the effect of life style over the menstrual pattern & so on to the reproductive health.
Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectional study conducted in DR. D. Y. Patil Hospital in January 2019 in Female Medical Students (n=159).They were provided with prevail dated questionnaire which included various aspects of lifestyle and menstrual pattern. Data collected was analysed analysed by using SPSS (version 23.0).
Results: In present study 82% & 81.7% of students were facing stress & dysmennorhoea respectively. Hypothyrodism percentage is 21.3% i.e. quite high. All participants were doing yoga but frequency of doing being varied. All were junk food eater but percentage of occasional eaters was only 18%. In present study, 76% participants were having premenstrual symptoms.
Conclusion: There is no significant association of life style over menstrual disorders except dysmennorhoea. In present study incidence of PCO and Hypothyroidism was quite high which is worry some. Both have got significant association with junk food and stress. Yoga is found to improve blood flow during menstruation. Still to come on concrete opinion we need more studies from India including other field also.

Keywords: Menstrual pattern, Junk food, Yoga, stress.

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