Study of prevalence of fundus changes in pregnancy induced hypertension in a teaching hospital

Authors : R Sudha, Moizuddin MD, Kavya Sesha Sri K, Sulaiman A

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2019.051

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 215-218

Objective of the Study: This study designed to identify the rate of prevalence of fundus changes in pregnancy induced hypertension population and also to analyze the correlation with blood pressure and proteinuria parameters.
Materials and Methods: Patients those are attending to ophthalmology department with the diagnosed pregnancy induced hypertension were admitted in current study. Demographics, blood pressure, gravida, gestational period, and proteinuria other details were recorded. Previous history related any eye symptoms were recorded. Patients after admission in to the ward, fundus examination carried out by dilating the pupil with direct ophthalmoscope.
Results: A total of 70 patients were examined. Mean age of the patient was 24.12 years (15-40). Changes in the retina were noted in 37 patients (53.29%). Grade I in 33 patients (47.14%) and Grade II in 4 patients (6.15%). There was no haemorrhages, no hard exudates, and no retinal detachments recorded in any of admitted subjects.
Conclusion: According to grade I & II hypertensive related retinopathy, the retinal changes were measured in total of 53.29% in total pregnancy induced hypertension population. Hence, fundus examination in these cases assisted to assess the severity of pregnancy induced hypertension.

Keywords: Proteinuria, Pregnancy induced hypertension, Retinal changes.

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