Correlation between trunk control and upper extremity function in subjects with cerebral palsy

Authors : Priya Prafulkumar Darji, Shraddha J Diwan

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijn.2022.034

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 162-166

Background: Cerebral Palsy (CP) is prevalent disability starting in early childhood characterized as a series of difficulties caused by Central Nervous System lesions. Motor and secondary musculoskeletal problems are seen in CP. The trunk plays an important role in the organization of postural control, balance and also provides free movement of upper limb but in subjects with CP may challenge by manual skills such as fine motor activities and may also have difficulty in maintaining trunk control.
Aim: Aim of the study was to assess and investigate the correlation between trunk control and upper limb function in subjects with cerebral palsy.
Materials and Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted in which 34 Subjects from SBB College of physiotherapy, SVP hospital and private clinics were taken. Subjects diagnosed with any clinical type of either gender aged 6 to 15 years CP with Gross Motor Functional Classification System level ?, ?, ?, were included and recent trauma or surgery of upper extremity and spine (less ? 6 months) were excluded in the study by convenient sampling. After taken consent, Trunk Control Measurement scale (TCMS) were filled up by primary therapist and ABILHAND kids Gujarati version questionnaires were filled up by parents personal interview.
Statistical analysis : Data analysis for 34 subjects was done by using SPSS version 16 and Microsoft excels 2019. For data screened nonparametric Spearman correlation co? efficient test was used with level of significance kept at 5%.
Results: Results showed that there is strong positive correlation between trunk control and upper limb function (r ? 0.773 p ? 0.05) in subjects with cerebral palsy.
Conclusion: Study concluded that Trunk Control is highly correlated with upper limb function in subjects with CP. Therefore, it is important in NeuroRehabilitation applications to improve upper limb function along with control of trunk.

Keywords: Cerebral palsy, Trunk control, Upper extremity function

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