A rare case of foreign body (Metal) in uterine cavity

Authors : Zuha Ahmed, Ifrah Ahmed, Asma Nigar, Rashmi Saxena

DOI : 10.18231/j.sajcrr.2024.030

Volume : 11

Issue : 4

Year : 2024

Page No : 126-129

Uterus is a hollow, muscular organ present in the female pelvis. Rare occurrence of foreign body in the uterus can be seen in any age group. It is usually presented as bleeding per vaginum, foul-smelling vaginal discharge or pain in the supra-pubic region. It can lead to severe complications.This is a case report of a patient who came to Career Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow with primary infertility. She was diagnosed to have foreign body in uterus. This foreign body metal nail was confirmed on Ultrasonography followed by X-Ray, after 5 years of being an undiagnosed case.Rare case of foreign body in uterus was seen which was removed by hysteroscopy and cervical incision. This was a rare case of foreign body metal nail in uterus which was inserted by some local doctor/quack for treatment of infertility. This shows us the importance of visiting specialized doctors for treatment.

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