Omenn syndrome- A rare immunodeficiency disorder: A case report

Authors : Suresh Kumar Panuganti, Veerendra C Patil, Venkteshwar Vempati, Uma Raju, Guru Raghavendra K

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmpo.2019.017

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 74-77

Introduction: Omenn syndrome, a variant of severe combined immunodeficiency disorder, is a rare condition, with few cases reported in literature.
Case Characteristics: A three month old female infant presented with recurrent severe infections, chronic diarrhea, severe erythroderma and lymphadenopathy. Immunological work-up revealed agammaglobulinemia, with both B cell and T cell deficiency. Genetic studies were compatible with Omenn syndrome.
Outcome: Bone marrow transplantation was planned, but the infant succumbed to complications.
Message: In a young infant with recurrent severe infections, characteristic skin lesions and combined immunodeficiency, Omenn syndrome should be suspected.

Keywords: Immunodeficiency, Omenn syndrome, Early diagnosis.

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