Reliability of the tool: Structured knowledge questionnaires on simulation in nursing education

Authors : Ananda Kudari

DOI : 10.18231/j.jeths.2022.013

Volume : 9

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 55-59

Background: Nursing is a caring profession which needs skill to perform on human being. Any mistakes commits by nurses is legal issue. Nurses should develop a skills in there carer. The proper training for the student nurses is very much important to minimize the mistakes while at work. Simulation is one of the strategies of teaching in health sciences especially. Simulators provide an opportunity to commit a mistake on them and learn the correct procedures to perform on the patients. Knowledge of the students regarding simulation and different types of simulator and the significance of all types of simulator is paramount. The knowledge questionnaires are the one which measures the knowledge of particular aspects of an individual. It is mandatory to check the questionnaires whether it measures what it supposed to be measure. Reliability check is the procedure to measure the consistency of questionnaire.
Objective: This study aim to estimate the reliability of structured knowledge questionnaires regarding simulation in nursing education.
Materials and Methods: The tool so called structured knowledge questionnaire on simulation consists of 30 multiple choice questions. The internal consistency of the tool by split half method has been estimated (Total samples were 10 in number). Questionnaires have been divided in to two halves i.e. odd and even items and compare both halves by Pearson correlation coefficient formula.
Results and Analysis: The split half reliability of structured knowledge questionnaires found to be excellent i.e. r=0.80. This result depicted that the prepared knowledge questionnaires are reliable.
Conclusion: Any tool which is developed for the research should be check for its accuracy and reliability. Reliability is one of them where it measures the tool for its correctness and reliable for administration. In this study the researcher had computed the reliability and tool found to be an excellent. It is also recommended that the reliable tool should be pretesting.

Keywords: Consistency, Pretesting, Questionnaires, Reliable, Simulation.

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