Management of clefts in infants – A simplified prosthetic approach

Authors : K A Saran Babu, K A Saran Babu, Ch Revanth, Ch Revanth, Angelina Helen Vivek, Angelina Helen Vivek, K Supraja, K Supraja, B. Balaji, B. Balaji

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2019.026

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 124-126

Weight is an important predetermining factor for surgical reconstruction of clefts in infants. These clefts causes’ difficulties in swallowing of milk leading to inadequate nutrition resulting in gradual loss of weight gain making surgical corrections difficult. Fabrication of artificial feeding plate prosthesis is the best alternative suggested treatment of choice in such situations. This prosthesis helps in proper devouring of the milk there by regaining required weight for surgical management of clefts. This article describes the simplified prosthetic approach in constructing a properly functioning feeding prosthesis and to reduce the parents’ anxiety originating from multiple dental visits.

Keywords: Feeding plate, Obturator, Cleft lip, Cleft palate.

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