Perception of orthodontists & post graduates regarding techniques to reduce orthodontic treatment duration: A prospective questionnaire study

Authors : Ankita Paul, Jai Prakash Mongia, Danyasi Ashok Kumar, Yogesh Kumar Mahobia, Soumya Gupta, Minakshi Mukherjee

DOI : 10.18231/j.idjsr.2021.024

Volume : 9

Issue : 3

Year : 2021

Page No : 129-132

Prolonged orthodontic treatment timing might cause pathologic changes like root resorptions, periodontal problems & psychological impact on patients. By shortening of treatment duration it helps to prevent undesired sequelae & increased motivation towards treatment. Recently a number of techniques with the potential to reduce treatment time had been administered. The major categories were: - Biological through local or systemic administration of drugs, Mechanical or physical stimulation such as vibrators & low energy lasers, surgically facilitated accelerated orthodontic treatment like corticotomy and piezocision. Therefore the aim of this study is to help in evaluating the knowledge & utilization of techniques used by an orthodontists & Post-graduates in their practice.

Keywords: Accelerated orthodontic treatment, Orthodontic treatment time, Prospective questionnaire study, Reduction in treatment time

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