Live in relationships: How India sees it compared to the rest of the world

Authors : Srijith , Srijith , Anu , Anu , Santhosh CS, Santhosh CS

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfcm.2019.013

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 49-54

Live-in relationship is a living arrangement in which an unmarried couple lives together in a long term relationship that resembles a marriage. Of late, live-in relationships have emerged as a substitute for marriages. The number of people opting to live-in relationships has considerably increased in India. This article explores the response of the Indian society and Indian judiciary to live-in relationships comparing it to the rest of the world. In a country where parents sometimes even murder their children for marrying out of caste, many brave couples do live together without getting married. They face social disgrace and legal hurdles. Families cringe at the idea of live-in relationships because it hints at sex for pleasure instead of for procreation, which marriage implies. The countries in the West never consider marriage as a religious sacrament and do not show keen interest on fulfilling obligations towards the family and society. To conclude, things have definitely improved with Court rulings which have recognized these relationships and have made changes in provisions to protect a woman from undue harassment as these relations guarantee very little in terms of security.

Keywords: India, Live-in relationships, Marriage, Society, World.

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