Accessory cavitated uterine malformation (ACUM): A hidden face of dysmenorrhea

Authors : Rana Mondal, Priya Bhave

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2022.087

Volume : 9

Issue : 4

Year : 2022

Page No : 452-465

Background: Accessory cavitated uterine malformations, or mass (ACUM) is a Mullerian anomaly which increasingly recognized as a cause of severe dysmenorrhoea and pelvic pain.
Objective: To know what ACUMs are and recognize their clinical presentation, able to diagnose an ACUM using ultrasound or MRI; and counsel patients with ACUMs on the different management options, including conservative, medical, and surgery.
Conclusion and Wider Implication: ACUMs are less rare than previously believed; hence ACUM diagnosis is essential in clinically suspicious cases via ultrasound and MRI, and intra-operative assessment of uterine morphology and laparoscopic surgical excision is the definitive treatment for ACUM.

Keywords: Accessory cavitated uterine malformations, Dysmenorrhoea, Mullerian anomaly, Dyspareunia

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