Pattern Analysis of granulomatous inflammatory lesions

Authors : Chandrashekhar T. N, Sateesh Chavan S

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2019.069

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 357-364

Aim: To study patterns of granulomatous inflammatory lesions and role of various diagnostic modalities in their diagnosis.
Introduction: Granulomatous inflammatory lesions encompass a wide spectrum of common and rare etiologies with diagnostic and management dilemma. Pattern analysis of granulamatous response aid in understanding their pathogenesis, immune responses to infection, regulation of such responses, and their effects on tissues. Newer diagnostic modalities like immunohistochemistry, special stains, polarizing microscopy, serum assays and ELISA aid in establishing the final diagnosis.
Materials and Methods: Histopathological study of 300 granulamatous lesions was done. Special stains like ZN, GMS, PAS, FiteFaraco, Auramine Rhodamine stain and polarizing microscopy, tools of molecular biology like IHC, PCR, and ELISA were used wherever required to establish the etiology.
Observations: Mean age at presentation was 31.85±14.64 years (range: 2-68yrs) with male preponderance (M: F=1.47:1). Majority of patients were in the 3rd decade between 21-30years (108 cases, 36%). Tuberculosis was the most common cause of granulomatous inflammation followed by tumors, fungal lesions, leprosy, inert substances, parasitic and least was granulomas with unknown etiology.
Conclusion: Present study is an attempt to describe the histopathology of various granulomatous inflammatory lesions and their accurate etiological diagnosis. Molecular diagnostic methodology is essential for accurate etiological diagnosis and understanding the pathogenesis of granulomatous inflammation.

Keywords: Patterns, Granulomatous, Inflammation, Epithelioid, Tuberculosis, Histiocytic.

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