Development and standardisation of study skills assessment scale

Authors : Daisy P.J., A. Radhakrishnan Nair

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2770.2018.0022

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 140-145

Adolescence is characterized by several social and emotional changes that include labile emotions, exploring and asserting of personal identity, independence, self-centred attitudes, testing rules and boundaries. Adolescents are intensively curious and have a wide range of intellectual pursuits but show disinterest in conventional learning styles. The researcher felt that comprehensive study on study skills is required to understand adolescents’ learning behaviour. Study Skills are the abilities applied in learning. Theorizing of study skills are supported by five important theoretical frameworks such as, social learning, cognitive problem solving, Constructivist Psychology, Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems and multiple intelligence theory. The study skills assessment scale is a tool developed by the researchers as a self- administered one to a group or to individuals. The scale includes several items which asses the overall level of the individual’s study skills. Respondents answer in a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1to5. The study skills include time management, learning motivation, memory, concentration, association, comprehension, taking notes, preparation for examinations, textbook reading, consultation with teachers and home work. The study skills assessment scale was constructed with due diligence and extensive field observations to ensure the internal and external validity. The item analysis of the scale was carried out, determining the high score and low score and the relevance of scale. The validity was established through validation of each item by a team of experts in the field of psychology and education. The suggestions given by the experts were incorporated while finalising the items. Pilot tests were conducted among rural and urban including male and female school going adolescents. The reliability of individual items and total was calculated using split half method, test-retest and Cronbach’s alpha. The reliability score of the scale is shown as .90.

Keywords: Study skills, Assessment scale

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