A study on isolation of Candida species in various clinical samples in a tertiary health care unit

Authors : B S G Sailaja, P D Prasad

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmr.2019.054

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 258-260

Introduction: Candida, the causative agents of candidiasis, reported as the seventh most common
nosocomial pathogens. With this, current study is planned with an aim to identify Candida species in
various clinical samples.
Materials and Methods: Study was conducted in the department of Microbiology, GSL Medical College,
Andhra Pradesh from Jan 2019 to March 2019. Various clinical samples were collected from the patients,
inoculated on SDA and Brain heart Infusion broth. After incubation, growth was identified using colony
morphology, Gram staining, and urea hydrolysis test. Germ tube test and Chlamydopsore formation were
used for species identification.
Results: During the study period, total 53 Candida species were isolated; 64% were identified as Candida
albicans and 35% were non albicans Candida. The male female ratio was 1:2 and more strains were isolated
among the individuals aged 20 – 40 years age; statistically there was no significant difference (P <0> Conclusion: Candida albicans is common pathogenic. Gender wise, the rate of isolation was more among
males and more stains were isolated in 30 – 40 years age group.

Keywords: Candidia, Candidiasis, Gender,Report

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