Comparison of ultrasound-guided versus conventional technique for caudal block in paediatric patients

Authors : Kanika Gupta, Swati Agarwal, Rajesh Misra

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijca.2023.056

Volume : 10

Issue : 3

Year : 2023

Page No : 276-282

Background: Caudal blocks have been recommended for surgical procedures mainly below umbilicus. Their use has increased in paediatric cases as they are easy to perform with low complication rates. There have been reports of this technique being performed as a sole anaesthetic in children who may not be a suitable candidate for general anaesthesia. This study was conducted with an aim to compare the traditionally used landmark guided technique of caudal block with ultrasound-guided technique in terms of intra-operative analgesia, haemodynamic parameters, time required to perform block and demand for rescue analgesia.
Materials and Methods: This prospective randomized comparative study was carried out in 68 paediatric patients divided in two study groups (Group C and Group U) undergoing elective lower gastrointestinal and genito-urinary tract surgeries over a period of two years in a tertiary care hospital.
Results: The intra-operative haemodynamic parameters were comparable in both the groups. There was a significant increase in time taken to perform the block in Group U as compared to Group C (6.5 minutes v/s 15 minutes) (p-value <0> Conclusion: The conventional technique is easier and less time consuming as compared to the ultrasound-guided technique, which is newer and the practitioner needs expertise. The quality of analgesia provided by both the techniques is comparable. The frequency of complications associated with the block are fewer with the ultrasound-guided approach. Ultrasonography is the modality of choice specially in cases where detection of sacral anatomy and landmarks is difficult. However, further studies are needed to establish the role of ultrasonography in performing caudal block.

Keywords: Caudal block, Ultrasound, Sacral hiatus, Rescue analgesia, Ropivacaine, Paediatric regional blocks.

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