A comprehensive study on maternal mortality at a tertiary care hospital

Authors : Arpitha S Ballu, Asha M B

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2019.060

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 259-262

Introduction: Maternal mortality, according to WHO is defined as “the death of women while being
pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of duration and site of pregnancy, from
any cause related or aggravated by the pregnancy but not from accidental or incidental cause”. Maternal
death is classified as Direct and Indirect maternal death. About 99% ofMMRoccur in developing countries.
Hence the present study has been taken up to analyze cause of maternal mortality in tertiary hospital.
Aim: Our study aims to analyze the cause and incidence of maternal mortality in a tertiary care hospital
Materials and Methods: Present Study is a, Retrospective study conducted in Cheluvamba hospital,
MMC&RI which is a tertiary care hospital. We have analyzed all maternal deaths, which were reported in
the institute during the study period starting from 1st January 2015 to 31st May 2019 (4 years 5 months).
Results: There were 52,896 deliveries in our institute during the study period. 60 maternal deaths were
reported. Maternal mortality rises with high degree of parity as noted in the study, multigravida (56.7%).
55% cases were unbooked. The major cause of death was attributed to Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
(45%) and second major cause is anemia (41.7%).
Conclusion: Enhancing women’s access to basic health care facilities, regular Antenatal care, high risk
pregnancy detection and its management and basic health education helps in reducing maternal mortality.

Keywords: High risk pregnancy, Maternal mortality.

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