Maternal outcome in teenage pregnancy

Authors : Pooja Jain, Meenakshi Gupta

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2019.061

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 263-267

Introduction: Teenage pregnancy due to changing social condition, it’s a important to study the implication
of the maternal and fetal health. It is a serious health problem, more so in developing countries like India.
Young mother and new born are at increased risk of anaemia, preeclampsia, increased rate of LSCS, PTVD,
LBW, prematurity, NICU care, RDS, sepsi, IUGR. Hence study is directed to identify the problems and
their outcome.
Aim and Objective: study the epidemiological aspects and clinical maternal outcome in teenage
Materials and Methods: Teenage pregnant ladies between 18 to 20 years were taken up for the study.
100 cases were taken for the study at Index Medical College, Indore and compared with 100 cases of ad ult
women aged between 21 to 32 years. All the cases were included in the study, irrespective of their booking
and unbooking statuses after 28 weeks of pregnancy are taken.
Result: Among 100 cases of pregnancy, 67% of teenage mothers have varying grades of anaemia, 12% had
preterm deliveries, 1% women had preeclampsia, 3% had eclampsia. Among all of these 8.5% requiring
NICU care and 1% were perinatal death due to prematurity, respiratory distress, sepsis.
Conclusion: As teenage pregnancy is associated with high risk of anaemia, preeclampsia, eclampsia,
PTVD, high rate of LSCS, prematurity, low birth weight, perinatal death. It’s important to reduce
the teenage pregnancy by improving the socioeconomic condition, education, public awareness, strict
implementation of law, good ANC care, nutrition, acess to contraceptive services, sex education.

Keywords: PTVD- preterm vaginal delivery, LSCS- lower segment caesarean section.

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