Assessment of oxidative stress markers and level of antioxidant in preeclampsia

Authors : Mona Omar, Hesham M Borg

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2019.062

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 268-275

Introduction: In pre-eclampsia the pathophysiology is still under investigation. Lipid peroxidation is
important for the normal endothelial cell function. The antioxidant like Vitamin E and vitamin C play a
role in preventing preeclampsia.
Materials and Methods: We compare between serum malondialdehyde (MDA) level, a product of
lipid peroxide and the antioxidant (vitamin C and E) in pregnant women with or without preeclampsia.
Patient are divided to two group; Group 1 (n=50): pregnant women between 28 and 40 weeks’ gestation
with preeclampsia and Group 2(n=50): the control group includes pregnant women without hypertension
episode during their pregnancy.
Result: Serum MDA levels were raised in women with preeclampsia compared with normal pregnancy
(P < 0> blood pressure in preeclamptic and normal pregnancies (rs = 0.693, p<0 rs =0.467,> respectively. Vitamin C, E level show s highly significant decrease in Pre-eclamptic women than normal
one (p<0> pressure and diastolic blood pressure (P<0> between vitamin E level (mg/dl) and both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure (P <0> (P <0> Conclusion: These results provide further evidence that excessive lipid peroxidation level and decreases
in vitamin E and C levels (which are responsible from antioxidant activity) may contribute to the
pathophysiology and pathogenesis of preeclampsia.

Keywords: Preeclampsia, Lipid peroxidation, Vitamin E and vitamin C.

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