A reterospective study on the endometrial biopsy of AUB correlated to thyroid abnormalities and endometrial thickness

Authors : Kishore Khanna, V Sudha

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdpo.2019.046

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 226-229

Aim: To study the histopathological patterns, to categorise the causes of bleeding according to age group
and to correlate it with the thyroid profile and with the thickness of endometrium.
Materials and Methods: Strategies:It is a review study directed by the branch of pathology in our institute.
An aggregate of 80 cases were taken from the age gathering of 18-60 years. Histopathological patterns were
recorded from the endometrial biopsy along with the biochemical and radiological records.
Results: The commonest age group presented with AUB was 40-49 years which shows the perimenopausal
period. Most of the histopathological pattern showed normal cyclic endometrium with (42.5%) of
proliferative phase followed by(23.7%) of secretory phase. Higher incidence of AUB was seen in the
euthyroid cases (65%). ET > 15mm was mostly related towards endometrial hyperplasia.
Conclusion: Endometrial biopsies helpin analyzing the diverse causes of abnormal menstrual bleeding.

Keywords: Bleeding, Endometrium.

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