A study of effect of alcohol consumption on cardiovascular biomarkers in a tertiary care centre in the Kumaon Region

Authors : Devi Prasad Shukla, Basant Joshi, Sangeeta Singh, Ashok Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.pjms.2022.097

Volume : 12

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 514-519

Introduction: An important mechanism responsible for increased cardiovascular risks in chronic excessive alcohol use is the pro-oxidant effects of alcohol. There are some emerging risk factors like :- (i) lipoprotein(a) {Lp[a]}, (ii) High?sensitivity C?reactive protein (hs?CRP), (iii) Lipid profile, (iv) Prothrombotic and proinflammatory factors that play an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. So we investigated the relation between the levels of cardiovascular biomarkers & the degree of alcohol intake in alcoholic subjects.
Materials and Methods: The present study was carried out in the Department of Biochemistry, in association with the Department of Medicine, Government Medical College, Haldwani. Estimation of Serum Level of hs-CRP & Lp (a) byturbidimetric immunoassay. Serum Cholesterol by CHOD-POD & Triglycerides by enzymatic colorimetric method. LDL cholesterol was calculated by Friedwald equation.
Results: The mean total cholesterol, TG, LDLc, hs-CRP, Lp(a) & including HDLc levels were significantly raised (p < 0>0.05). The mean TG & LDLc levels were significantly (p<0> The mean serum hs-CRP level in the mediocre and heavy drinkers was significantly low (p<0> Conclusion: Our study suggests heavy drinking (>30drinks/week) must be strongly discouraged as it may lead to changes in cardiovascular markers and dyslipidemia. Our study also showed a beneficial effect of occasional drinking on HDLc and moderate drinking on hs-CRP.

Keywords: Alcoholics, Lipid profile, hs-CRP & Lp(a)

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