Comparative study of pulmonary function test and dermatoglyphics in eczem a patients

Authors : Vatsala A R, Ajay K T

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcap.2019.067

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 304-308

Introduction: Eczema is a pattern of inflammatory responses of the skin, characterized by spongiosis with
varying degrees of acanthosis and a superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate. Eczema results from
a complex interaction between genetic susceptibility and environmental risk factors. Pulmonary function
tests are valuable investigations in the management of patients with respiratory symptoms in eczema, as
increased severity of respiratory illnesses, RSV wheezing and early allergic sensitization were significant
risk factors for eczema disease.
Objectives: The objectives of the present study was to identify patterns of dermal ridges on finger
tips and palms in eczema patients and pulmonary function tests to initiate preventive measures of
respiratory symptoms in eczema in early detection program and to focus the predictive strength of specific
dermatoglyphic patterns in eczema patients.
Materials and Methods: The present study was carried out on 50 eczema patients in JJM Medical College,
Davangere which was compared with 50 normal apparently healthy individuals. Data analysis was done.
Chi square test was used to compare the different groups. WRIGHTS Peak flow meter which is a portable
device for measuring ventilator functions. Comparisons were performed using students t-test for 2 group
Results: In the present study we found reduced PEFR in eczema patients and decrease in frequency of total
arches and whorls in eczema patients were observed. There are significant differences in eczema patients
in various dermatoglyphics features when compared to normal. Hence it is possible to identify the risk
population with the help of dermatoglyphics and suggest them to take periodic monitoring of pulmonary
function test.

Keywords: Pulmonary function test, Dermatoglyphics, Eczema, Palm prints.

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