The incidence of structural anomalies in term placentae and umbilical cords of parturients: A gross and microscopic study

Authors : Srividya Sreenivasan, Satyam Khare, Manisha Nakhate

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcap.2019.076

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 348-352

Introduction: Examination of the placenta after the third stage of labour, is something oft mentioned in
textbooks but often neglected in the clinical setting. Placental examination can give the clinician important
insights as to events and exposures the fetus has been subjected to in –utero.
Aims & Objectives: To assess the incidence of anomalies observed in term placentae and umbilical cords
of parturients in a teaching hospital.
Design: We collected term placentae from parturients in the labour ward, and subjected them to a thorough
gross examination with a view to pick up anomalies. We subjected the umbilical cord to histologic
examination in cases where an anomaly in the cord was detected on gross examination.
Participants: Placentae of 92 term parturients.
Setting: Anatomy department of a Medical College in Western Uttar Pradesh, India. Main Outcome
Measure: To report the incidence of placental and cord anomalies.
Results: We found 1 succenturiate lobe of placenta, one dilated umbilical vein, one case of single umbilical
artery and 2 velamentous insertions of the umbilical cord (both as one of the two in a monochorionic
diamniotic twin pregnancy).
Conclusion: Anomalies of the placenta and umbilical cord were observed in 5.43% of parturients. Our
study emphasises the importance of careful observation of the umbilical cord and placenta after delivery.

Keywords: Succenturiate lobe, Dilated umbilical vein, Single umbilical artery, Velamentous insertion.

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