Chronic mechanical irritation (CMI) as the latest evolving oral carcinogen: A review

Authors : Manali Kulkarni, Bhakti Patil

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmi.2019.013

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 47-50

Traumatic oral lesions are a relatively common finding in dental practice which may be caused by acute and chronic trauma. Such repeated injury to the oral mucosa by deleterious agents is termed as chronic mechanical irritation (CMI). CMI could be precipitated by a combination of dental, prosthetic and functional factors which require early diagnosis and immediate elimination to ensure cure. Recent literature links chronic mucosal irritation to carcinogenesis. This review potentiates the role of chronic mucosal irritation (CMI) in development of cancer.

Keywords: Chronic trauma, Etiological factor, Oral cancer, Oral carcinogenesis.

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