Correlation of bacteriological, radiological and clinical findings in children with pneumonia

Authors : G Kalyan Chakravarthi, G Kalyan Chakravarthi, R Praveen Kumar, R Praveen Kumar, Bindu Madhavi Pureti, Bindu Madhavi Pureti, T Jaya Chandra, T Jaya Chandra

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijmpo.2019.023

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 104-107

Introduction: In young children, it was reported that respiratory tract is the significant cause for infections as well as death. A study was conducted to find the bacteriological and radiological findings and correlation with clinical findings in children with pneumonia.
Materials and Methods: Study was conducted in GSL Medical College. Study protocol was approved by institutional ethics committee. Informed consent was collected from the parents / guardians of all the study participants. Children in the aged 1 to 5 years with clinical signs suggestive of pneumonia were included. Clinical and radiological finding were recorded. Radiological findings also used to categorize bacterial and viral pneumonia. P< 0>
Results: Total 94 participants were included, female male ratio was 58:36. In this report, 86% were bronchopneumonia, 12% lobar pneumonia and 2% empyema; bacterial pneumonia was diagnosed in 44% cases, viral pneumonia in 52% and 4.3% were diagnosed to be normal. Tachypnoea (95.74%), chest retractions (100%), crepitations and ronchi (100%), abnormal breath sounds (100%) correlated well with positive radiological findings. Crepitations alone and ronchi alone has least correlation.
Conclusion: Pneumonia is one of the major causes of lung infection of children. The radiological findings are very essential for diagnosis of pneumonia

Keywords: Infection, Pneumonia, Respiratory.

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