Labour movement in India - A historical approach on socio-cultural-economy

Authors : Apurba Chakraborty, Apurba Chakraborty

DOI : 10.18231/j.jmra.2019.026

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 129-131

The working class history in India had been drawing a prominent graphic throughout the changing framework of colonial cultures. British rule in India changed the self sufficient village economy which was an outstanding feature in term of economics. To analyze the working class mobility one Question remain to be answered, why in spite of changing periphery the poor conditions of labour was unchanged? At the time of formative stages of the industry most of these were built by British businessmen, so as a part of colonialism organized working class was another changing need. Our mainly objective in writing the article is to pay attention to the growing role of working class in Indian society.

Keywords: Industrialization, Poverty, Marginal farmer, Non agricultural labour, Trade union, Proletarianization.

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