Clinical investigation on the analogy between the ketofol (Amalgamation of Ketamine and Propofol) and ketamine and midazolam for procedural sedation – A single blinded study

Authors : Rajesh Kumar Donda, Gangadhara Reddy Annareddy, Ramudu Nattala, M Usha Rani

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijca.2020.020

Volume : 7

Issue : 1

Year : 2020

Page No : 112-116

Introduction and Aims: Decades of research for an ideal sedative agent that could provide both sedation
and analgesia with minimal side effects to the patients has failed to find one. Research was then shifted
to finding combination of drugs which could suffice the ideal sedative agent. Of these Ketofol showed
promising results.
Aim of this study is to “Assess the efficacy and safety of propofol and ketamine amalgamation (ketofol)
and comparing the superiority over ketamine and midazolam combination for procedural sedation”.
Materials and Methods: In this prospective randomized single blind study, 50 patients between 15 to 60
years of both males and females, ASA Grade I and Grade II were allocated into two groups. Patients
in group 1 received ketofol and group 2 patients received ketamine and midazolam. The comparison
between the two groups was done using Two-Sample T-Test,With the help of SPSS version 15.0 Statistical
calculator, sample size calculated = 5 to 17, and actual power calculated with this sample size was 0.990 to
0.997 which shows significance of the study.
Results: The study showed statistically significant (p <0> recovery time between two groups. Group 1 patients showed stabilized parameters and rapid recovery time
than group 2 patients
Conclusion: Ketofol is safe and efficient sedative combination which can be utilized in emergency
department, daycare and OT settings with comfort, ease and without any complications. It is close to
ideal sedative agent.

Keywords: Procedural sedation, Ketofol.

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