The glonacal climate in education: Reconstituting the culture of evidence and tradition of intervention in humanities

Authors : Nena Padilla-Valdez

DOI : 10.18231/j.jmra.2019.030

Volume : 6

Issue : 3

Year : 2019

Page No : 147-149

More than ever, Humanities and all allied disciplines are stepping up into the pathway of trends, innovations and initiatives. Among the many and varied social providers, the academic world stands as the most visible, accessible and tangible driver-agent of systemic reforms within which fundamental structure of the change orbits. Evolutionary hangovers such as those structures or behaviors that used to be adaptive and bear positive effects on reproductive performance has declined or waned due to the drastic change conditions arising from the various layers of the socio-ecological system. In view of responsiveness, a forced-shift from the conventional paradigm to the expansive and inclusive change sphere may render repurcussions which in due course settle both as a hangover of cultural evolution and as a catalyzer of a revolution of change and learning. This paper argues that tightening up the soft-skilled sciences are critical and powerful blocks in building innovative talents, who by virtue of the unprecedented challenges, are globally accepted, recognized and refereed. Also, it describes the evidences specifically the benefits and vast opportunities pummelled by the waves of technological changes and globalizational climate shifts. From this perspective, Humanities education must brace itself on a recursive investigations from competing social and pedagogical tensions to the glonacal (global, national, local) value of knowledge and meaning.

Keywords: Glonacal climate, Multiversities, Culture of evidence, Tradition of intervention.

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