Clinico-pathological correlation of gastric cancer in a tertiary referral centre

Authors : Milind Patil, Nilam More, S Solanke

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2019.104

Volume : 6

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 534-538

Introduction: Survival in advanced gastric adenocarcinoma is low, due to which it becomes important to
detect it in early stages. The aim of this study is to observe the demographic and clinic-pathological profile
of gastric cancer in a tertiary referral centre in Mumbai, India.
Materials and Methods: We retrospectively studied 81 cases of adenocarcinoma of stomach in a tertiary
care hospital. Their clinical history and relevant investigation s were studied.
Result: The median age of the patients was 60 years. All patients had complaint of abdominal pain.
Antrum (46.9%) was the most common location. Intestinal type (59.3 %) of adenocarcinoma was the most
common sub-type.
Conclusion: Study showed moderately differentiated carcinoma to be the most frequent malignancy.
Majority of cases had history of tobacco consumption, which indicates its role in causation of stomach
cancer. Due to non-specific symptoms, and detection at advanced stage, screening of asymptomatic people
in a high risk area may be useful in early detection.

Keywords: Gastric cancer, Mucinous adenocarcinoma, Tobacco, Metastasis.

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