Clinical profile of ocular injuries following road traffic accidents in a tertiary care centre

Authors : Sahana S Karanth, Soujanya K

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2019.114

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 482-485

Introduction: Road traffic accidents are common occurrence owing to increase in number of vehicles and
various other reasons. Severe eye injury can result in visual morbidity. The purpose of the study was to
evaluate the epidemiology and pattern of ocular injuries in a tertiary care centre.
Materials and Methods: This is a hospital based retrospective study of patients attending emergency
outpatient department of a tertiary care centre. Demographic data and details of injury were obtained.
Details of ocular examination including visual acuity, anterior and posterior segment findings and other
details like extra ocular involvement, need for surgery was recorded.
Results: 312 eyes of 290 patients were included in the study.91% patien ts were males. 61% of the cases
presented within 24 hours of injury. There were 91% closed globe injuries and 9% open globe injuries.
Periorbital ecchymosis and subconjunctival haemorrhage were the most common presentation. 23% had
posterior segment involvement and 11% had orbital fractures and 21% had extra ocular involvement. 35%
patients required surgical intervention. 4.8% of the patients had no perception of light.
Conclusion: Ocular injuries as and when they occur have to be tackled efficiently and methodically.
Primary preventive approach such as avoidance of alcohol, strict adherence to traffic rules can prevent
ocular morbidity associated with road traffic accidents.

Keywords: Ocular injuries, Road traffic accidents.

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